Consumer Guide® Estimated Repair Costs
This table lists costs of likely repairs for comparison with other vehicles. The dollar amount includes the cost of the part(s) and labor (based on $50 per hour) for the typical repair without extras or add-ons. Like the pricing information, replacement costs can vary widely depending on region. Expect charges at a new-car dealership to be slightly higher.
Item Name Repair Cost
A/C Compressor $555
Alternator $310
Automatic Transmission or Transaxle $955
Brakes $380
Constant Velocity Joints $915
Exhaust System $550
Radiator $600
Shocks and/or Struts $350
Timing Chain or Belt $425
Тут видно что средний ремонт АКПП без добавлений и сверх поломок стоит 25000рублей